Marianne Renauld Robitaille

Communications Project Manager – Community of Practice in Climate Communication 

Marianne Renauld Robitaille has been involved in participatory eco-citizen projects for several years. She continues her involvement with the Jeune Conseil de Montréal and Projet collectif. Marianne is particularly interested in the social engagement of young people. For two years, she worked as a mobilization agent for ENvironnement JEUnesse with groups of young people involved in school environmental committees.

Marianne holds a Master’s degree in Applied Political Studies from the Université de Sherbrooke. During her internship, she developed a strong interest in communities of practice and worked on the FORJE (FORmation collaborative pour une Justice Énergétique) research-action partnership project. With a strong desire to equip and empower her peers, Marianne joins COPTICOM in the fall of 2023 as project manager of the Quebec Climate Communication Community of Practice (COMM Climate).